What's my calling?

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Often as Christians we hear terms like calling and we see massive churches with Christian Celebrities aka "Chelebrities" with a push to figure out our purpose leaving us wondering what our own calling is in life. Sometimes all of this can be overwhelming to consume. It can seem like you have to have this "big" calling to do something great for God. It can feel like if you don't know your exact calling that you haven't arrived yet. I've been there and I'm sometimes still there trying to figure out life. Something I've realized recently is that our calling isn't a point of arrival and it's not about how large our following is, but it's journey of sharing God's love with other people.

We are all on a journey of growth, faith, trust and calling. We all desire to know what we were made for and we want to pursue that purpose. There are countless verses about God's plan for our lives. God thought of you before your parents ever did and he made plans for you. Every person has a God-given purpose and that's why unless we know him we will always be searching to fill that God-sized hole in our lives. Once we do know him, we have to make sure we allow him to fill that void in our life and live out our purpose. In Ephesians 2:10 it says, "For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." Also in Jeremiah 1:5, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations." All throughout scripture you will see verses about God's purpose for his children.

When I first began to understand purpose and calling, I was excited and slightly confused. I immediately began playing the comparison game. I looked for examples and life plans from others so I could have this "calling" too. I began seeking, hustling, striving to do my calling. The only problem was I didn't know what that calling was and I way over-complicated it. Like many Christians we tend to over-complicate these type of things because culture and the enemy get in our way. What I've learned after seeking God and his word is it's not complicated if we allow God to be God and us to be us. In my perspective we have essentially two parts to our calling- the here and now and the big picture. If we do the here and now eventually we will accomplish the big picture by the end of our time on earth.

If we are willing and obedient to what he guides us to then he will work out all the details. He's also okay with us asking him about our calling because he loves us and wants to lead us. It's not about striving or hustling, but humbling and stillness. That doesn't mean we just sit back and let life happen to us; we have to seek God and he will work everything out in His timing. In Romans 8:28 it says, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." This is hard for me because I'm a planner and I like to know my next steps well in advance of it happening. I'm not much for surprises because I like to know what's next. I read the last page and the movie spoilers because I want to know how it turns out. But God doesn't work that way. He works on a need to know basis as his word says in Psalm 119:105, "Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." He does this because he wants us to lean on him and allow him to guide us because we can't do it on our own. It's also because it's for his glory and not our own.

So you're probably thinking at this point, this is all great but WHAT IS MY CALLING? Basically it's to use the gifts God's given you to lead others to him in your sphere of influence, build his kingdom and love others well. The beautiful thing is we all have a unique calling, but with the same end goal. So mine might look like writing a blog, speaking at college small groups and being a Christ-like example at work. Your's will look like whatever your gifting is where you are placed and as you move through life God will continue leading you and showing you more in each season. So take a minute to look at your life to see what your natural talents are (here's a hint: you aren't talented in something by mistake...God gifted you with that), what are your passions, how can you use it for God, and where are you right now (that's your mission field). It's easy to get overwhelmed, but in those moments you just need to give it to God to lead you. My biggest advice is not to compare your calling to others because it allows the enemy to plant seeds of doubt and confusion.  

Part of this even happens in our society. I'm so thankful for all the influential leaders in the Christian culture. However, I think as a Christian culture our recent mistake has been everyone striving to be the next "chelebrity." Maybe God will elevate you to that type of ministry one day- that's between you and Him, but right now we have a responsibility to be present in the season he has us in and steward that well. I know that all of the leaders would tell you the same thing in being faithful in the small and allowing God to lead you through each season. I'm a dreamer and love looking to the future, but I have to be careful not to stay in the future because it causes me to miss the miracles in front of me. It also causes me to lead myself rather than God leading me if I'm not careful to seek him in everything. I have to trust the dreams he has put on my heart, but to do my here and now calling where he has me.

If you continually seek God's will and commune with Him, he will lead you to all the places you are supposed to go in life. In 1 Peter 5:6 it says, "Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time." I love this scripture because it puts everything in the right perspective. Just pray and ask God to lead you in this season to what your focus should be and he will continue to help you accomplish all that he planned for you to do in life.

Father, Thank you for the calling you have placed on my life. Thank you for the uniqueness that you've given me and that you thought of me before I was born. I ask that you will continue to lead me in this season to do all you want me to do. Help me to stay focused on the here and now. I trust you and humble myself before you. Continue to show me the path you have for me. In Jesus name, Amen.


Don't lose hope


Disturb us O Lord