3 Things I Would Tell My Younger Self
This week I turned twenty-five, and just like that, a decade past my metamorphic teenage years. I have been contemplating a lot lately, like what it felt like to be young and naïve at fifteen. I remember not being able to perceive much beyond “SELF.” I was preoccupied by daily anxieties: my physical appearance, my grades, and seeking a sense of belonging. I was still trying to understand true “calling.” My involvement and commitment to faith was compliant to what my parents wanted for me (I thank God that my parents consistently planted that seed with love). I just couldn’t comprehend the grander scheme of God, greater than “SELF.” God, who gave me purpose regardless of my achievements and self-righteousness.
What's my calling?
Often as Christians we hear terms like calling and we see massive churches with Christian Celebrities aka "Chelebrities" with a push to figure out our purpose leaving us wondering what our own calling is in life. Sometimes all of this can be overwhelming to consume. It can seem like you have to have this "big" calling to do something great for God. It can feel like if you don't know your exact calling that you haven't arrived yet. I've been there and I'm sometimes still there trying to figure out life. Something I've realized recently is that our calling isn't a point of arrival and it's not about how large our following is, but it's journey of sharing God's love with other people.
Created and Called
I'm excited to share with you my second guest blogger and good friend, Julie Gutierrez. Julie is finishing her last semester in Highlands College and has a heart for women's ministry. She is the author of the blog Created and Called and has a passion for helping women know their identity in Christ.
Humble over Hustle
How many of us feel the need to constantly hustle? I feel like I'm going from one place to the next forever staying busy and never slowing down. I say yes to too many things and want to be involved in everything. I want to be in control and I often get a bad case of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) if I say no. Recently, God has been dealing with me about slowing down and humbling myself. Because when I hustle and do all the things I'm working so hard to do, I'm allowing myself to replace God because I want control. Yikes! However, rather than constantly hustling I've come to realize I have to humble myself and let God do the heavy lifting. We have to make sure we know our place and God's place in the scenario to find the thin humble over hustle line.