Finding my Lane
I'm realizing that serving looks different for my lane and the dreams God has given me is a gift. I'm choosing this year to be intentional in running my race to chase those dreams.
Daring to Dream
Free download! What dreams do you have? How are you cultivating those dreams? Do they scare you? Good! That means you're on the right track. Dreams are a scary and amazing thing because it's a place of faith where you have to step out into the unknown and trust God to make them happen.
What's my calling?
Often as Christians we hear terms like calling and we see massive churches with Christian Celebrities aka "Chelebrities" with a push to figure out our purpose leaving us wondering what our own calling is in life. Sometimes all of this can be overwhelming to consume. It can seem like you have to have this "big" calling to do something great for God. It can feel like if you don't know your exact calling that you haven't arrived yet. I've been there and I'm sometimes still there trying to figure out life. Something I've realized recently is that our calling isn't a point of arrival and it's not about how large our following is, but it's journey of sharing God's love with other people.
Disturb us O Lord
Over the weekend my friends and I went downtown to do a photo-shoot for my blog. We always turn it into a fun, photo adventure to practice using our cameras and to help me get new photos to use on the blog. We were standing near a popular photo spot in an alley way, when we heard a woman hysterically crying as she was walking down the sidewalk. I immediately tensed up because I wasn't sure what was about to happen. My first thought was run away/ hide and my second thought was is this real or a scam to take our stuff. I know I need more compassion (I'm working on this), but growing up in the city my first thought, sadly, isn't always to help. She asked my friends where the hospital was, but she was so upset she could hardly get the name of it out. She was looking for UAB hospital so I finally spoke up and told her how to get there from where we were standing on the sidewalk. My friend then asked if we could pray for her and asked what to pray for. She told us she had been raped and had been given a disease so she was going to the hospital to get medicine. My heart broke. I was still hesitant at this point, but I realized more than anything she needed Jesus so we prayed for her (keeping our eyes open to watch our surroundings). She was very thankful for the prayers and she never asked us for money or for anything other than directions. Then we watched as she made her way down the road towards the hospital.