Daring to Dream


What dreams do you have? How are you cultivating those dreams? Do they scare you? Good! That means you're on the right track. Dreams are a scary and amazing thing because it's a place of faith where you have to step out into the unknown and trust God to make them happen. It's a beautiful journey of growth, triumph, pain, and accomplishment. It's a place where you lean into what God is saying and have the faith to try it. But it doesn't come without its trials. It's also a place that will test your faith and motives. Most of all it's a place of purpose and fulfillment as you live out the calling God has uniquely given you.

I know how hard it can be to put your dreams into action. I've been guilty of dreaming without action for many years. I'm a dreamer by trade and a procrastinator at it's finest. I have all these things I want to do, but let fear and culture stand in the way of taking action. If there's one thing I've learned over the years it's to take baby steps towards those dreams and to keep showing up. Consistency and discipline are the key to making your dreams happen. Dreams don't happen over night, but they can begin the minute you take one small step. The biggest thing I've learned with dreams is to just go for it. We can think ourselves to death with the planning and the what-ifs, but there comes a point where we just have to use what we have and jump in head first. We have to dip our toes in the river and trust God with our dreams.

That's what I had to do with my dream of writing. I could've sat forever wondering if I'll ever get published or ever have all the right resources to have a successful blog. Instead, I just decided to start where I was and improve as I go. It's hard work and they don't call it a side hustle for nothing, but it's what I love to do. It's hard some seasons where I'm busy in life and not seeing the progress as quickly as I thought I would. However, in those moments I have to remember why I'm doing this. It isn't for fame or money and it's not for influence or followers. It's to bring hope to people through the words God gives me. I want my writing to feel like we are sitting across the table drinking a cup of coffee having a heart to heart with real conversations. I want to inspire others to keep showing up for their dreams and help them reach their goals. I want to build leaders and equip them for their God-given purpose. I want to teach others so they can go out into the world poised for purpose. It's to shine a light in my little corner of the internet in a world where there's so much darkness.

When dreaming we have to remember the why and not the what. We have to know why we are doing this and hold onto it. We have to seek God every step of the way. We have to stay humble and remember that it's a privilege to have a platform. Then we have to show up, day after day. We have to be consistent and keep going even when it doesn't feel like it matters or like it's going anywhere. We have to keep taking baby steps and rejoice in the small beginnings because you never know who you can reach through the dream God has put on your heart. 

I got in line for the one. The one person who may need the words God has chosen me to speak. The one person who may be struggling and gets a glimpse of Jesus through this platform. The one person that isn't saved and because we are in the same circle, they read this and begin to wonder about God. So I hope you'll dare to dream today as you read this post and that you'll think of one baby step you can take towards your dream. If you don't know what dreams you have, look at your talents and passions and I'm sure you will find a little dream hidden in your heart. 

Father, thank you for stirring up dreams in my heart. I pray today that you will give me vision and dreams. I pray you'll show me one small step of action I can take towards that dream and that you will give me courage in my dreams. I know you have good plans for me and I ask for faith to accomplish these dreams you've given me. I know that I can't accomplish my dreams without your help so I ask for you to do what only you can do and help me to do my part. In Jesus Name, Amen.

I hope this encouraged you today! I'll let you in on a little secret....I'm working on a webinar and blog series about cultivating and stewarding our dreams well. If this is something you want to learn more about, sign up below to be added to our email list so you'll be the first to know when it comes available. You'll also get a free download of 3 steps you can take towards your dreams!


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