Faith/ Life Becky Leach Faith/ Life Becky Leach

Getting the Message

Have you felt God calling you toward something uncomfortable? Have you felt Him lead you into a way you definitely did not want to go?

What did you do with that call? Did you say yes? Did you start hesitantly or did you go for it with everything you had?

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Faith/ Life Crystal Wojdyla Faith/ Life Crystal Wojdyla

3 Things I Would Tell My Younger Self

This week I turned twenty-five, and just like that, a decade past my metamorphic teenage years. I have been contemplating a lot lately, like what it felt like to be young and naïve at fifteen. I remember not being able to perceive much beyond “SELF.” I was preoccupied by daily anxieties: my physical appearance, my grades, and seeking a sense of belonging. I was still trying to understand true “calling.” My involvement and commitment to faith was compliant to what my parents wanted for me (I thank God that my parents consistently planted that seed with love). I just couldn’t comprehend the grander scheme of God, greater than “SELF.” God, who gave me purpose regardless of my achievements and self-righteousness.

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Faith/ Life Julie Guiterriez Faith/ Life Julie Guiterriez

Finding Rest in a Busy World

Let’s start off by deciding what rest is and what rest isn’t. Rest is not sleeping. Yes, sleep is a way to rest, but it’s not the only way to fully receive the rest that we need. Rest is not a vacation. it’s more than temporarily getting away from your problems. Whenever you get back to reality, your problems will still be there. When we are walking in the purpose that God has given us, we will be able to rest knowing that our lives are being devoted to His callings and the growing of His glory.

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Faith/ Life Courtney Jones Faith/ Life Courtney Jones

You are an Influencer

Friend, whether or not you're famous, you always have influence. There are a ton of “influencers” out there, but in reality we are all influencers. God will use you right where you are if you pay attention to Him instead of the world.

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