You are an Influencer

You can be an Influencer right where you are

Can I let you in on a little secret? I have no idea what I’m doing most of the time. I just try my best and let God do the rest....cliche right, but so true! Sometimes this whole social media thing can be overwhelming. We have to build a platform to do what we feel called to do, but building a platform is tiring and feels yucky. The algorithm constantly changes and it seems like a never ending battle to get your message out there. But what I’ve been learning is that God will use you right where you are if you pay attention to Him instead of the world.

The world will put pressure on you to grow your following and do all the things. There’s a million ways to do social media and a million voices yelling at you to buy this or follow that. I don’t want to be just another voice. I want to be a light, a difference maker. I want people to follow me because they feel encouraged by what I post not because I’m selling something or tricking them into following me to build some platform. I want people to see Jesus in my life and get curious about my joy. I want to influence people so they leave better and more inspired.

Friend, whether or not you're famous, you always have influence. There are a ton of “influencers” out there, but in reality we are all influencers. I heard Pastor Louie Giglio say at Passion this year that "you don’t have to be famous to have influence" and it stuck with me hard. Our world is constantly telling us we have to be famous or have “X” amount of followers to do what God calls us to do. But can I tell you that’s a lie. We have to steward what God gives us and keep our eyes on Him. He will use our obedience to do His will. You are influencing people right where you are whether you have 5 followers or 500K followers. When our eyes are focused on God, we don’t get overwhelmed by all the noise of the world as easily. We can confidently go into the realm of social media knowing that if we reach just one person to make a difference then our job was done that day.

So how can we be intentional with our influence? It’s all about our why. Why are we posting on social media? Is it for attention? Is it for that person to notice us? Is it for the thrill of the likes? Or is it to encourage others, to shine a light and to do good? For me it’s the latter. I never want to post something for the wrong intention. It’s impossible to please everyone so I want to do my best just to encourage those in my life the best I know how. For me it's through raw and honest words and sharing the things making a difference in my own life.

We can also be intentional with our influence by running in the lane that God's given us to run. If you are passionate and talented in something, then use that gifting to glorify God. When you do then your passion will speak for itself. You never know who is watching your life and who your actions will impact so it's important to be conscious of the impact our life can have on others. If you feel unseen, know that God sees you and there are people who look up to you or watch the way you live your life that you may never realize. You never know when the opportunity will arise to impact someones life.

Father, please help me to use the influence I have to glorify you. Help me to keep my focus on you and not on the likes, follows, or lack there of. Help me to see you in the everyday moments and to always remember my why. Please help me to make a difference in others lives and to use my gifts for you. I pray you would show me the path you have for me and continually encourage me on that path. In Jesus Name, Amen.


Endless Winter


Diving into God's Word