Dreaming Above the Noise
The God we serve is a big God, and He will always do big things in our lives. He wants us to dream big dreams. When we dream small, we are limiting God and the power He has to do big things in our lives. So, what’s your dream? What dream has been lying in your heart, but been covered up by the dream robbers? I want to challenge you to dream again, and dream bigger than you ever have before.
His Best
It is hard when you want something so desperately to give it over. It’s hard when you think it is God’s best for you and it seems like God is not letting you have it. But what is harder is to look back and realize you traded His “best” for your “good’ or your “okay.” What is hard is when you realize the whole time you were chasing something in this world, God was chasing you.
When Prince Charming Is Still A Frog
“How many frogs am I going to have to kiss in order to find my Prince Charming?” I exclaimed in a grace-lacking moment of self-pity to a good friend of mine. She just looked at me, laughed and smiled, and said, “Well maybe that’s the problem. You’re kissing frogs expecting them to turn into a prince when they’re just not ready to become a prince yet.”
Satisfying the Scorched Places
What places in your life are dried out and dusty today? What areas are scorched and in need of a miracle to be brought back to life? Could it be that the Lord has left those areas dry on purpose, but you have not allowed His grace to enter in and resurrect what is dead?