When Prince Charming Is Still A Frog
Blog Post by Julie Gutierrez
Every girl dreams of having her fairy-tale ending. Floating down the isle in a white dress to her Prince Charming awaiting her on the other side, their friends and family all surrounding them, happy and excited for the forever that they are about to start. All the planning, little details, sleepless nights, nerves and excitement have led to this moment. They will say ‘I do’ and boom - forever begins. They kiss, we’ll all party, they live happily ever after, the end. It sounds so simple and it is the dream lying in every girls heart - whether she admits it or not. And although it’s something we constantly dream about and pray for, our fairy-tale often doesn’t look like Cinderella’s story.
“How many frogs am I going to have to kiss in order to find my Prince Charming?” I exclaimed in a grace-lacking moment of self-pity to a good friend of mine. She just looked at me, laughed and smiled, and said, “Well maybe that’s the problem. You’re kissing frogs expecting them to turn into a prince when they’re just not ready to become a prince yet.” I don’t know about you, but I let out an ‘ooooh’ when she said that. That kind of truth is the kind of truth that hits you deep in the chest and honestly kind of stings a little, but it’s the kind of truth we need to ask ourselves the tough questions.
I was having this conversation with my sweet friend because I had just gone through a tough breakup. I was ready and willing to spend a long time with someone I thought who was my Prince Charming, but he wasn’t ready for the crown yet - still a frog. And in a state of total confusion, I began to ask questions like, “why do I kiss a lot of frogs?” I think the better question I need to ask myself, and the same question we should all ask ourselves is, why do I keep settling for kissing frogs when I should be waiting on my Prince Charming?
Settling. Wow, I really love this word. It’s such a fun action to admit that we do. But as young women, we have the tendency to fall for what looks good, sounds good, and smells good (can I get an amen?!) without getting to know the heart behind the looks. Instead of taking our time, we tend to rush just because we like the feeling of instant satisfaction. But if we take our time and get to know the person, we might see that he is content with still being a frog - and there’s nothing wrong with that! We are all individual people and we grow at individual rates and in individual seasons. But that being said, it’s also okay for us to have standards and to keep those standards high. It is never okay to settle for less than God’s best for you.
God sees what’s in our hearts. He knows our deepest desires, and he knows what we deserve. You, sweet friend deserve nothing but God’s best. God has a man that He has handpicked for you, and he will exceed all of your standards and expectations, and he will be the Prince Charming you’ve always dreamed of. He will spend time with God daily, and serve Him and put Him before anything. He will pray for you daily as well. He will protect you spiritually and guard your heart. He’ll pursue you by pursuing Jesus first and honor the Lord by honoring you. He’ll love you more than you could ever imagine because he has the love of Christ in him. A man like this, YOUR Prince Charming, is worth waiting for.
Julie Gutierrez
My name is Julie Gutierrez and I am a 20-something living in Auburn, Alabama! I am a recent graduate of the Highlands College in Birmingham, Alabama where I studied ministry and currently interning at Church of the Highlands here in Auburn! I know that God has called me to reach my generation and bring others along side me to help raise up the next generation through my words, and I want to make Him proud through my actions. I love serving the Lord and the local church, and when I’m not at the church you can usually find me writing or reading in a coffee shop, out shopping with my girls, or cuddled up on the couch watching a movie (probably Disney.) I can’t wait to experience the journey of life with you!
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