Satisfying the Scorched Places
Blog Post by Becky Leach
“And the Lord will continually guide you, and satisfy your desire in scorched places, and give strength to your bones; and you will be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water whose waters do not fail.” Isaiah 58:11
The Israelites are my favorite people to read about in scripture. If you had asked me a few years ago, I would have been able to summarize a few of the old bible stories but they were all about the big bible characters - David, Moses, Joseph. I knew nothing, really, about the group of people called Chosen.
Three years and however many books into reading the Old Testament, I have fallen in love with these broken and stubborn people. They are me. I am them. They follow God and then refuse Him. They wonder where He has been when He has very obviously protected them the entire time. They tell Him He isn’t providing enough and turn to blocks of wood to provide. They get caught, their hearts break and they grab hold of the Father once again begging for His forgiveness and love, which ironically, they had all along.
What’s interesting to me about the Israelites is how concerned they continued to be with service. They would sacrifice to idols, but then fast to God. They would rebel against the Law, but then observe the feasts. I can just imagine their reasoning right now:
“Sure, we’re going against God… and I’m not totally sure I believe in this one over here, but just in case, let’s go ahead and sacrifice in both places.”
And God didn’t answer. He didn’t come through. In their eyes, He had failed them.
But truthfully, God never left them, but instead they left God. They allowed places in their lives to dry out and become the “scorched places” talked about here. The places where they experienced lack, desperation, need and desire. But they remained empty no matter what actions they took because the actions themselves were empty.
We do this same thing today, don’t we? Trying to fill the voids in our life - the scorched places - with everything except God. Netflix, relationship, food, social media, service, success. But only One can bring water into the dry places of our hearts. There is only One who can create rain and life where there is death and desert. There is no man, no friend, no pizza crust, no book that can water the depths of our souls. Only the Lord.
What places in your life are dried out and dusty today? What areas are scorched and in need of a miracle to be brought back to life? Could it be that the Lord has left those areas dry on purpose, but you have not allowed His grace to enter in and resurrect what is dead?
Maybe you are already going through all the motions, you serve, volunteer, give. You are involved at church and in your community, you know all of the worship songs and your walk appears strong. But inside, you feel like a wilderness.
Friend, stop. Rest.
Renew your mind in His word, not in your service.
I have found this scripture to be ever true : He will continually guide you and satisfy your heart in it’s dry places. How beautiful is that? I need strength in my bones daily, as I’m sure you do as well. So, let’s start turning these dry places into watered gardens with His intervention, His grace, His love and His guidance together.
Becky Leach
Becky is an artist, instagrammer, wannabe runner and obsessive coffee drinker. She is mom to three crazy kiddos and married her high school sweetheart, who just so happens to also be her State Representative. The beat of Becky’s heart is to equip women in living their best life, fully engaged with the love of Jesus while passionately running toward their unique calling.
Connect with Becky:
Instagram : @beckyleachtx