Dreaming Above the Noise


“Disturb us Lord, when our dreams have come true because we have dreamed too little, when we arrived safely because we sailed too close to the shore.” - Sir Francis Drake

I dream in stores like At Home, HomeGoods, and Hobby Lobby. My dreaming consists of envisioning what my one-day house will look like, room by room, canvas by canvas, coffee mug by another unneeded coffee mug. I was recently in one of these stores that had Christmas decorations out way too early, and I began to get those excited little butterflies in my stomach. The ones that I get when I think about the future. I see a white brick fireplace with two gray furry stockings having “Mr.” and “Mrs.” embroidered on them, a Christmas tree with a few gifts, and maybe a dalmatian laying on the floor as I sip coffee with my husband, wearing matching pjs and fuzzy socks. All of the sudden, a little voice that I like to call a “dream robber” spoke to me and said, “how dare you dream big dreams like that?” In that moment every little bit of excitement and giddiness I felt turned to sadness and guilt for dreaming with an open heart.

My dream job is just to be a good wife and a home maker. I guess you could say I want my job title to be, “the average Christian Pinterest wife.” There’s only one problem with my dream.... I am a single pringle. And something the dream robbers always tell me is that I’m not allowed to have these dreams because I am single. I am 100% okay with being single at this moment in my life. I am content in where the Lord has me, and I believe He’s working on me, as well as my future husband at this point in time. This post is not about dating though it’s about dreaming. That happens to be my dream but perhaps you’ve heard the whispers regarding your dream at times. The dream-robbers will whisper to you and tell you that you’re not allowed to dream because of the things that you’re missing.  I don’t know what your dreams are, but maybe you can identify with something on this list:

            How dare you dream of being a wife when you’re single?

            How dare you dream of writing that book?

            How dare you dream of traveling to that country?

            How dare you dream of sharing Jesus with your lost friends?

            How dare you dream of owning that business?

            How dare you dream of singing on that stage?

            How dare you dream of applying for that college?

            How dare you dream of feeling comfortable in your own skin?

            How dare you dream of owning your own home when you’re broke?

One of the biggest tactics of the enemy is to get us to dream small dreams or to stop dreaming at all. If he can convince us that what’s in front of us is not enough, his chore is complete. That’s what he did in the Garden. Adam and Eve were literally given everything, complete perfection, and the Devil convinced them that it wasn’t enough. When Satan convinces us, that what God has given us is not enough we will always take instant satisfaction over eternal gratification.

The God we serve is a big God, and He will always do big things in our lives. He wants us to dream big dreams. When we dream small, we are limiting God and the power He has to do big things in our lives. So, what’s your dream? What dream has been lying in your heart, but been covered up by the dream robbers? I want to challenge you to dream again, and dream bigger than you ever have before.

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Julie Gutierrez

My name is Julie Gutierrez and I am a 20-something living in Auburn, Alabama! I am a recent graduate of the Highlands College in Birmingham, Alabama where I studied ministry and currently interning at Church of the Highlands here in Auburn! I know that God has called me to reach my generation and bring others along side me to help raise up the next generation through my words, and I want to make Him proud through my actions. I love serving the Lord and the local church, and when I’m not at the church you can usually find me writing or reading in a coffee shop, out shopping with my girls, or cuddled up on the couch watching a movie (probably Disney.) I can’t wait to experience the journey of life with you!

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Getting the Message


I Know How You Feel