Walking in God's Strength
Blog by Crystal Wojdyla
It was a Friday morning that I was scrolling the depths of my Instagram Explore feed, when I came across a quote that read: “Sometimes you have to be your OWN hero.” At first, this simple statement came across as inspiring and empowering. After reading it, I was even motivated to believe that out of my own strengths, and my own will-power, I could achieve just about anything I wanted. Yet, my spirit was un-phased, and a bit astonished. I was burning inside with a reminder that this statement was only a half-truth. A half-truth that left out the matters of “How” and “Who” that will truly bring empowerment and inspiration.
How can someone be their own hero? To be completely transparent, it’s not possible at all if we are doing it on our own. No one was created live out their journey alone. God’s word specifically lays it out in Proverbs 3:5-6, and I love the way the Message version translates it: “Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track. Don’t assume that you know it all.”
God never intended for us to be our own super hero! He specifically called us to lean on Him with every fiber of our beings in all circumstances. In a world where Google, self-help books, and motivational podcasts exist, we are eager to take on the world. All. On. Our. Own. We are led to believe that we are self-sufficient and capable of our own success and our own achievement, out of our very own human strength. We fill our planners with coffee shop hangs and appointments. We take on new entrepreneurial ventures. We go to events, meetings, volunteer opportunities, and the list goes on. While these are all wonderful things, they can also be distracting! It is not until we get to a point that we are so caught up in our itinerary for personal development, that we begin to lose our genuine identities to an ideal that the world creates. This idea that working yourself thin is gallant. That asking for help is cowardly. That burning out means you are finally doing things right. It leaves an impression that you cannot possibly be a person of substance unless you are out there hustling and fending for yourself. Being your own savior. The world repeatedly tells us:
“You don’t need anyone but YOU.”
“No one else is going to do it for you.”
“You create your OWN future.
“Be your OWN hero.”
These are lies and half-truths that flood my mind all the time, and they are the very reason that I am drawn to the only full-Truth that is God’s Word. Sure, we can take on the world, and all that comes with it. However, let us not be mistaken to believe that it is out of our own abilities and power. Instead it is through an abundance of grace and God-given strength. The “How” to gain all this inspiration and resource is: to listen for His still-soft voice and trust in His promises.
See, if there was any inclination that we could be our own heroes, God wouldn’t have had to send and sacrifice His only perfect Son, (the “Who” that truly empowers us) for our ultimate salvation. Is that not what a hero does? Save people? The greatest heroic act of all time was that of the nails pierced through a perfect man’s hands and feet. Thankfully, we don’t have to figure it all out alone. God will stop at nothing to save us from darkness and keep us on the track of righteousness. God’s agenda is to see us succeed and thrive in our purpose day in and day out. He even bridged the gap of His perfection and our blemished lives with the Hero that is Jesus Christ.
And this Hero’s greatest super power? Love. A love so deep, so unconditional, and relentless that there is not a single thing that we, as flawed humans, can do to earn or deserve it. All that is asked of us is to embrace it and believe that His love is the very reason we can trust in His still soft voice and see complete success in our purpose-driven lives, even when the noise of the world tells us to “figure it out” all on our own.
Crystal Wojdyla
My name is Crystal Wojdyla (VOY-DEE-WAH). That’s a little difficult to say, so feel free to just say Wojo (WHOA-JOE)! I am a writer, fitness enthusiast, passionate speaker and dreamer always pointing to the name of Jesus.
Now, to be transparent, nothing in this world makes me happier than a book in hand and a cup of coffee that’s darker than night. I enjoy runs along Lake Michigan, traveling, and making people do burpees. Just kidding. I am, however, in the process of becoming an NASM Certified Personal Trainer, and love all things fitness.
I was born and raised in the city of Chicago; sometimes it’s beautiful, and other days it’s winter! But a Chicago gal, I shall always be. I am blessed to be married to a phenomenal, God-fearing man, who goes by the name of Anthony August. My home church is @peoplechurch in Chicago. We are always looking to connect Jesus to people and people to Jesus.
Above all, nothing screams Crystal more than my love for Jesus. Through all the challenges and changes I have encountered in this lifetime, I know one thing that remains consistent: my passion for articulating God’s heart to His people. I pray one day to speak globally and write countless books to show people the IMPOSSIBLE that God is capable of.
I’m a trailblazer because I speak boldly in my writing the truths that God has revealed to me in my relationship with Him, in hopes of guiding others into their own personal encounter with Him.
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