Finding Rest in a Busy World
Let’s start off by deciding what rest is and what rest isn’t. Rest is not sleeping. Yes, sleep is a way to rest, but it’s not the only way to fully receive the rest that we need. Rest is not a vacation. it’s more than temporarily getting away from your problems. Whenever you get back to reality, your problems will still be there. When we are walking in the purpose that God has given us, we will be able to rest knowing that our lives are being devoted to His callings and the growing of His glory.
Walking in God's Strength
It was a Friday morning that I was scrolling the depths of my Instagram Explore feed, when I came across a quote that read: “Sometimes you have to be your OWN hero.” At first, this simple statement came across as inspiring and empowering. After reading it, I was even motivated to believe that out of my own strengths, and my own will-power, I could achieve just about anything I wanted. Yet, my spirit was un-phased, and a bit astonished. I was burning inside with a reminder that this statement was only a half-truth. A half-truth that left out the matters of “How” and “Who” that will truly bring empowerment and inspiration.