Walking in God's Strength
It was a Friday morning that I was scrolling the depths of my Instagram Explore feed, when I came across a quote that read: “Sometimes you have to be your OWN hero.” At first, this simple statement came across as inspiring and empowering. After reading it, I was even motivated to believe that out of my own strengths, and my own will-power, I could achieve just about anything I wanted. Yet, my spirit was un-phased, and a bit astonished. I was burning inside with a reminder that this statement was only a half-truth. A half-truth that left out the matters of “How” and “Who” that will truly bring empowerment and inspiration.
Humble over Hustle
How many of us feel the need to constantly hustle? I feel like I'm going from one place to the next forever staying busy and never slowing down. I say yes to too many things and want to be involved in everything. I want to be in control and I often get a bad case of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) if I say no. Recently, God has been dealing with me about slowing down and humbling myself. Because when I hustle and do all the things I'm working so hard to do, I'm allowing myself to replace God because I want control. Yikes! However, rather than constantly hustling I've come to realize I have to humble myself and let God do the heavy lifting. We have to make sure we know our place and God's place in the scenario to find the thin humble over hustle line.