Do it Again
Have you ever walked through a season that you thought was going to be full of joy and turned out to be a season of disappointment? Yeah me too. I found it's often hard in those moments to recall God's character and my identity in him. Doubt floods my mind and I begin to question my purpose. I begin to place blame and ask why. But then I realized that during those times of disappointment if instead of blaming God I turn closer to him, my focus shifts. My focus begins to stay eternal instead of what's happening right now. I begin to see how he's leading me and that he really does have good plans for me.
What are you living for?
This post is a little bit longer than normal as it recaps my recent mission trip, please take the time to read until the end as I hope it will inspire and touch your life.
God recently rocked my world and reset all my expectations. I had prayed about going on a mission trip and originally signed up for one going to the LA Dream Center in June. I later was reminded of my love for New York City and saw there was an unexpected trip going there in March. I prayed about it asking God for the green light and then switched trips. I have a huge heart for that city and was excited to get the opportunity to share the love of Jesus with the people there. God grew my trust and faith in him tremendously during the fundraising process for that trip since I signed up late and the deadlines were fast approaching. God provided everything I needed within two weeks of signing up for the trip. It seemed like everything was falling into place for that trip and that God had ordered every step for it.
When God says No
What do you do when God says no to you? If you're like me, sometimes you get frustrated and don't understand. Sometimes you mistake the no for a not right now. Sometimes you twist the no into a yes thinking that maybe your answer is God's answer. Sometimes you think you've heard God's voice, but really it's your own desires coming out. So what do you do when you don't get the answer you were looking for from God? How do you interpret that and find hope in the midst of the trial?