Failure to Launch


Part 2 of the Daring to Dream series

How often do we get dreams in our heart and that's where they stay? We think of all the what if's and allow fear to prevent us from acting on our dreams. Sometimes it can be because they feel too far-fetched or unrealistic. Other times it can be that we don't know where or how to start. Whatever you may be feeling with dreaming, take inventory of it so that you can begin to make strides towards that dream. 

It's important to evaluate our fears and hesitations with God so that we can understand what we're dealing with and what lies we've believed about ourselves. We have gifts from God on each of our lives and we need to steward those gifts for God. This reminds me of my study that I did in Haggai this week. It's a short book in the Bible that you might miss if you weren't looking for it, but man is it packed with wisdom! Haggai is instructed to get the people to rebuild the Lord's temple. The Lord instructs them to go up to the mountain, bring down timber and build His house (Haggai 1:8). As I read this I couldn't help but think of all the God-dreams that lay in ruin and need to be rebuilt.

It wasn't an overnight success. Building the Lord's temple took a while with hard work and diligence. This is what it takes to make a God-dream come to life. We have to seek God, listen for his direction and put in the work. If we put in the work, eventually we will see the harvest and blessing just as the people did who rebuilt the Lord's temple. We live in such an instant society that we've lost the art of working diligently until we see the fruit. I'm just as guilty as the next person, trust me! Pursuing your dreams is hard work, but if it's something God has called you to, it will be so fulfilling!

We also have to watch out for comparison. We can't compare our journey and dream to someone else's. We have to believe in God for the promise and trust the dream God gave us. We have to allow our dream to glorify God and when we compare our dream it starts to belittle what God is really doing in our lives. When we keep working and keep our eyes on God, He will begin to show up in incredible ways. We have to remember that He is with us! (Haggai 2:3-5) The biggest thing with pursuing your dreams is not to give up before the harvest comes.

Friend, I hope this post encourages you today to start taking steps and putting in the work for your dreams. God is with you and he has chosen you for the God-dream on your heart. Don't lose sight of the harvest and fruit of your dream. Ultimately our dreams are meant to bring glory to God and bless others so when you get discouraged remember your why. I would also encourage you to study the book of Haggai this week (it's only 2 short chapters!) and see what God speaks to you through His Word. 

Father, thank you for this reminder today and for encouraging me to pursue my dreams. I pray that you would show me the steps to take and help me to stay encouraged. Help me not to get distracted or compare my dream to someone else's. I pray that you would speak to me through your word as I study it this week. Help me to be strong and diligent. In Jesus name, Amen.

P.S....I'll let you in on a little secret...I'm working on a webinar about cultivating and stewarding our dreams well. It will be jam-packed with tips, encouragement and steps to take to help you pursue your God-dreams. If this is something you want to learn more about, sign up below so you'll be the first to know when it comes available. You'll also get a free download of 3 steps you can take towards your dreams today! Missed the first post in the series? Read it here!


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