#RelationshipGoals Remastered

We live in a world where hashtags are representation of an idea we are trying to make on social media. One that I see all too frequently, and maybe familiar to you, is #RelationshipGoals. Some are cute, some are mushy, and others a bit silly. No matter the representation, it is an idea that people have of how a successful relationship should look. Unfortunately, though, social media is a highlight reel, and those depictions are not the full story.

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Crystal Wojdyla Comment
Finding Rest in a Busy World

Let’s start off by deciding what rest is and what rest isn’t. Rest is not sleeping. Yes, sleep is a way to rest, but it’s not the only way to fully receive the rest that we need. Rest is not a vacation. it’s more than temporarily getting away from your problems. Whenever you get back to reality, your problems will still be there. When we are walking in the purpose that God has given us, we will be able to rest knowing that our lives are being devoted to His callings and the growing of His glory.

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