What Defines You?
And I remember looking over at him at one point knowing I needed to whisper some encouragement in his ear. When I leaned in, I was planning on saying something like “don’t worry” or “I love you” or “God’s got this” - all things I would have meant from the bottom of my heart. But when I opened my mouth, the craziest words came out and I am convinced they were not my own, y’all.
“This does not define us.”
Do it Again
Have you ever walked through a season that you thought was going to be full of joy and turned out to be a season of disappointment? Yeah me too. I found it's often hard in those moments to recall God's character and my identity in him. Doubt floods my mind and I begin to question my purpose. I begin to place blame and ask why. But then I realized that during those times of disappointment if instead of blaming God I turn closer to him, my focus shifts. My focus begins to stay eternal instead of what's happening right now. I begin to see how he's leading me and that he really does have good plans for me.