Another Dating Article
Just what you need right? Another dating article. More advice on what to do or not do to find "the one." Don't worry I'm right there with you and this is something I've been intentionally thinking through because I know what it's like and I didn't want to offer just another article of advice. While these are just my own thoughts and prayerfully considered words, I wanted to offer hope, truth and wisdom. I don't want to tiptoe around this subject of dating or pacify what's going on in our society of dating, but rather hit it head on to inspire you to fight for what God has for you. We can't keep letting the enemy interfere in our stories. So I hope to offer from my human heart some Godly wisdom.
What guys really think
I can’t tell you how many conversations I’ve had with girls where we ended up talking about guys and ending the conversation with “I wish I knew what guys were thinking about all of this.” When the idea for this dating series came to mind, I wanted to address the topic of Christian dating from the other side so I sought out the help of a few trusted guy friends. I had them take an anonymous survey with questions that we all seem to have and turns out the answers were fairly simple (I’ll go ahead and warn you that this will be a longer post as I try to convey all the many thoughts).
To the one still waiting
I get it. Trust me I know how hard it is to want something and wait for it. I know the heartache of praying desperately seeking God to answer that prayer and it still not happening. I know what it's like to be so close and yet still so far from your next season so the waiting continues. I know what it's like to see everyone else making progress in their dreams and getting the things that you're praying for and not understanding why it's not your turn yet.