S2 E16 | Being Faithful where God has You with Kohlie Browning

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Kohlie Browning is a Midwest girl on the Gulf Coast scene, living with a glass of icy cold brew coffee in her hand and Jesus in her heart. She loves to encourage others through podcasting, writing, mentorship, and speaking. With over 12,750 episode downloads, 'Still With You’ is a podcast space for sharing gold, inspiring stories with genuine friends about our faithful God. Kohlie’s love for the edgy and unlikely things in life spill over into every fueling conversation and keep things interesting to say the least! Connect with her on social media @kohliebrowing or through her website kohliebrowning.com.

This week's episode is all about being faithful where God has you and making the most of each season you are in. Kohlie talks all about being obedient to what God directs us in and how to find contentment where you are.

This week's episode is all about being faithful where God has you and making the most of each season you are in. Kohlie talks all about being obedient to what God directs us in and how to find contentment where you are. She also talks about her podcast, Still with You and how to hear God and grow with God. Kohlie is also a military spouse and sister and she shares some honest encouragement for other military families based on her story. Today's episode will encourage you in so many ways!

What you can learn in today's episode: 

  • About her podcast Still With You

  • Being faithful where God has you

  • Being a trailblazer in your own city

  • Hearing God and being obedient

  • Championing others and encouraging others

  • Being faithful in your sphere of influence

  • Encouragement for military families and Kohlie’s story as a military spouse and sister

Links from Today’s Show:


How to Show Up for the Life You Have with Kaitlin Chappell Rogers


S2 | E15 - Tips for Navigating Unexpected Seasons with Sarah Johnson