Why you need rest and rhythms in your life with Courtney Hope Wilson | S2 E22


Are you getting enough rest in your life? Do you know where your time is going to? Today's episode with Courtney talks about why we need rest, why rest is God's plan, how we can incorporate more rest and what rest truly is in our life. Courtney covers some rhythms that help her to refuel and create more room in her own life that will help you with creating better rhythms for your own life.

To send suggestions for podcast topics email us at hello@thetrailblazerjournals.com

Follow Courtney on Instagram: @courthopewilson

What you can learn in today’s episode:

  • Why we need rest

  • Why we need rhythms

  • What rest looks like and what Sabbath looks like

  • Why you should map out your week

Links from this episode:


How to Find Hope When Life Unexpectedly Changes with Joe Delagrave | S2 E23


Obedience, Calling and the Importance of Knowing Scripture with Alexandra Hoover | S2 E21