Is Self Publishing Worth it? | S3 E41


I hope you are having a great week! We are back for part 2 of the self publishing series this month and this week I want to talk about is self publishing worth it? Maybe you have a dream to be some type of author and maybe you are waiting for your big break and publishing deal but it seems like it may never happen or take forever.

You have this idea and you want to put it out into the world so you hear about self publishing. You might struggle with a bit of imposter syndrome or wonder if this is the right avenue for you. You may even wonder if it’s worth it. So let’s talk about it.

Self publishing can be worth it if you are committed to putting in the work and effort to make it a success for you. And the reason I say success for you is because we can’t really compare ourselves to each other otherwise we will always be striving. So this truly has to be something that you desire and want to put out there and put in the work for and determine what success looks like for you.

For me, since my book is a devotional, my goal was to get my book into the hands of as many people as possible and pray that it would impact their lives. I knew there was only so much I could do with a limited budget and resources so I did all that I could do and I trusted God with the rest. For me, self publishing was worth it because I knew I wanted to make a difference in people’s lives and lead them closer to God. I knew that this book I wanted to produce would do just that and it’s been an incredible journey ever since publishing 3 years ago. Of course there are things I wish I would’ve done differently and would’ve done more of but I’m so glad I did all that I did do when I decided to self publish.

Here are a few reasons why self publishing is worth it:

  • It gives you full creative control to produce something that you are passionate about and share it with the world. This allows you to use the gifts that God’s given you and share something that can impact the lives of others in some shape or form. It’s allowing you to learn more about publishing and create a product that you can be fully proud of without having to compromise.

  • It creates a passive stream of income for you. It may not be much or it could be a lot depending on how you decide to share and promote your book but either way it’s another way to diversify your income through something passive where once you hit publish, someone can buy it at any time and you aren’t having to recreate it over and over. You will just need to continually promote your book but you aren’t having to physically create anything once it’s published. Having additional streams of income can be great to build savings or just have more than one way that you are making money. It creates an easy product to add to your online presence and build your credibility as an writer/ author.

  • Self publishing gives you insight into the publishing process and allows you to gain experience. It creates a way for you to see what the process is like from start to finish and helps you to learn all the ins and outs of what goes into publishing a book first hand.

  • You get more royalties typically from each book sale which allows you to make more off of each book. You may not sell as many books as a traditional publisher could but how much you sell is up to you and the promotional efforts you do and in today’s world with Tik tok you never know what might take off but either way it’s a great way to gain some experience before there is a contract or pressure put on you by a publisher through a publishing deal.

I get asked questions about publishing and specifically self publishing so often so I thought this month’s podcast series would be a great way to answer many of those questions and I even decided to create a whole course on self publishing from start to finish. The course will be coming out at the end of June and with this course I will be walking you through the entire self publishing process from beginning to end with a lot of resources to help you be successful with publishing. I give you all the resources that I wished I had during my first time self publishing and it’s all in one place so you don’t have to scour the internet googling all the different questions that I did when I went through this process. It’s a one stop shop to get your book published and the time frame is up to you for how long the publishing process will take you. I walk you through budgeting, marketing and all the details in between. I’ve walked several authors through this process individually before and decided that it would be a great resource to create a course so that I can help even more people make their publishing dream a reality.

If you want to learn more you can check out the course page and hop on the waiting list at

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Links from this episode:


5 things I wished I knew about Self Publishing | S3 E42


Traditional Publishing vs Self Publishing | S3 E40