Running Your Race with Blake Guichet | S2 E30


Blake is an author, podcaster, and educator who equips and encourages women to use their God-given gifts to the glory of God. She is the host of the top-rated weekly Christian podcast, Confessions of a Crappy Christian, where she has conversations with incredible individuals who have walked through the fire and now come back with buckets of water for the rest of us. She’s in the process of writing her first book (of two), and ultimately her mission is for you to know who you and Whose you are and for those truths to keep you from falling prey to the hustle mindset that only leads to exhaustion and disappointment. She wants you to know there’s a better way to chase after your hopes and dreams while furthering the kingdom of God. She’s also a huge fan of LSU football, oversized sweatshirts, and the Great British Baking Show.

Connect with Blake:
IG: @thegirlnamedblake

Do you ever feel lost in your purpose? Maybe you have big dreams but don't know how to get started? Do you find yourself exhausted by all the hustle culture messages out there? Today's episode with Blake Guichet is the purpose pep talk you need! We talk all about how she got started with her now top rated podcast, Confessions of a Crappy Christian, and she shares encouragement for those blazing their own trail. No matter what your dream or purpose is, there's encouragement and practical steps for everyone in today's episode.

What you can learn in today’s episode:

  • How Blake got started from less than 1000 followers to now over 35K followers

  • How she started her top rated podcast, The Confessions of a Crappy Christian

  • Encouragement for Running your Race with God and all about her course

  • Why you should focus on building a community alongside your calling

  • Why Christian women need to stop being weird about money

  • Knowing your season and how your purpose can look different at times

Links from this episode:


When God Feels Silent with Sarah J. Hauser | S2 E31


When you want to ask God Why with Peter Englert | S2 E29