Holiday Survival Guide: Ghosts of Holidays Past
The holidays can be a hard time of year as we travel and go back down memory lane. For many, this can mean a lot of stress as we see people we haven't seen in a while or go to a place that brings up memories we've tried hard to forget (high school anyone?). While the holidays are supposed to be such a joyful time, I know for many it's anything but that. The ghosts of the past tend to rise up and taunt us. However, it doesn't have to be this way. God has freedom available to each of us if we'll receive it (John 8:36). I recently read a book called She is Free by Andi Andrew and it opened my eyes to all the areas of freedom available.
Holiday Survival Guide to being Single
The holiday season is upon us. That means time with family and friends that we haven't seen in a while and lots of food. I love the holidays and all that comes with it, but there's one thing over the last several years I've become increasingly aware of... going home alone. Being single during the holidays has a weird way of making you question where you are in life. I've been learning how to overcome the insecurities that come with answering the dreaded question of "Are you dating anyone?" or "What's new?" that we inevitably get asked. I've also learned how to find joy in every season no matter my relationship status.